TuneTagger is the high-speed, professional metadata tool developed over 10 years to make in-house music tagging fast, consistent, and scalable.

See how it works!

Tag Like the Pros

TuneTagger is the same software used everyday by TagTeam Analysis, with advanced features that empower us to tag over 2000 tracks/month, per analyst.

With automated tools and UI that provide smooth workflow from track to track, users spend less time on repetitive tagging and hone in on the specifics that make each song unique.

Accuracy & Consistency

Tunetagger’s integral keyword structure has been developed over 10 years with insight and feedback from our many clients in the production music industry.

Paired with powerful tagging features and export formats standardized to many popular licensing platforms, TuneTagger delivers professional, clean metadata ready for ingest or embedding to MP3s or AIFs.

Using a consistent set of keywords also provides accuracy across all tracks and albums, and provides healthy metadata from month to month and year to year as your library grows.


Tunetagger offers many customizable features that allow you to create a keyword and tagging system that suits the unique aspects of your library.

With full flexibility for custom taxonomies, tagging hierarchies, and metadata types, tag the way you want out of the box, or borrow from our evolving in-house taxonomy of industry-proven search tags.

Plus, all your tags stay yours forever, and can be easily taken with you with one-click export to CSV, SourceAudio, Harvest, or other formats.

because we know

Your time is valuable

Save time and organize all metadata for each track, each album and get in the game to be found! 

We provide 24 hr tech support turnaround and documentation to guide you through the tagging platform.


Schedule a demo and start a free trial!