Track Retitling

Track Retitling

Short, professional titles for your tracks that reflect musical elements, at scale.

Album Creation & Playlisting

Album Creation & Playlisting

Expand discoverability with playlisting that connects musical elements thematically.

Database Services

Database Services

Assistance with the technical aspects of managing your library.

Music Library Consultation

Music Library Consultation

Guidance for building a solid structure of keywords that suits your library.

Tagging Consultation

Tagging Consultation

Try out our tags with an initial consultation of up to 5 tracks from your catalog.

Tag Your Music

Tag Your Music

Strategic music keywording to improve search performance for licensing.

Search-Boosting Tools and Services

Search-Boosting Tools and Services

Add diversity to your descriptive keywording with selected synonyms.

Keyword Mapping Services

Keyword Mapping Services

Refine and reshape your taxonomy while retaining your descriptive keywords.

Robin Valkren

Robin Valkren

Music Analyst


Tunetagger offers many customizable features that allow you to create a keyword and tagging system that suits the unique aspects of your library.

With full flexibility for custom taxonomies, tagging hierarchies, and metadata types, tag the way you want out of the box, or borrow from our evolving in-house taxonomy of industry-proven search tags.

Plus, all your tags stay yours forever, and can be easily taken with you with one-click export to CSV, SourceAudio, Harvest, or other formats.

Accuracy & Consistency

Tunetagger’s integral keyword structure has been developed over 10 years with insight and feedback from our many clients in the production music industry.

Paired with powerful tagging features and export formats standardized to many popular licensing platforms, TuneTagger delivers professional, clean metadata ready for ingest or embedding to MP3s or AIFs.

Using a consistent set of keywords also provides accuracy across all tracks and albums, and provides healthy metadata from month to month and year to year as your library grows.

Tag Like the Pros

TuneTagger is the same software used everyday by TagTeam Analysis, with advanced features that empower us to tag over 2000 tracks/month, per analyst.

With automated tools and UI that provide smooth workflow from track to track, users spend less time on repetitive tagging and hone in on the specifics that make each song unique.

Custom UI And Workflows

Custom UI And Workflows

Manage metadata smarter with custom tools built natively in Microsoft Excel.

Advanced Database Solutions

Advanced Database Solutions

Comprehensive QC and Error-Checking on databases of any size.

Metadata Prep for Publishing

Metadata Prep for Publishing

Format your data for Soundminer, SourceAudio, Harvest Media, Cadenza Box and many other publishers.

Metadata Embedding

Metadata Embedding

Embed metadata and album art directly into AIFFs, MP3s, and other ID3 compatible formats.


CadenzaBox is a music search platform aimed squarely at offering cutting-edge tech integrations hand-in-hand with bespoke branded UI. Their highly flexible site is backed by the team at Idea Junction, a boutique online design company with a strong portfolio in the music industry, and boasts clean, modern aesthetics paired with powerful search and customizable features. Our clients speak highly of their support team, who is hands-on in putting their features to the fullest with newcomers to their service, and we're impressed by the adaptable metadata features the site has to offer.

Read more about their platform here.


Customizable, branded playlist sharing is at the core of DISCO’s functionality, and their approach to music discovery has resulted in a platform tailor-made for those doing the actual listening (and licensing) in the industry. They boast a large user base of music supervisors and editors actively working in the film, tv, and ads space, and while their approach to landing music licenses is more networking-based, less "set-it-and-forget-it", their platform tools make it seamless to keep up with creative briefs, send out new releases, and manage a music library all at the same time.

Read our intro to their platform here.


SourceAudio has long been the gold standard for modern production music search, distribution and one-stop licensing, and features an affordable, feature-rich platform that scales with your library as you grow. Their intuitive interface lets you easily customize the branding and layout of your site, manage search metadata for your tracks, and even set up advanced content tracking and royalty reporting for your catalog. TagTeam's own tagging taxonomy started with our frequent delivery to SourceAudio's backend, and we continue to ingest metadata into their rock-solid search platform to this day.

Read our intro to their platform here.

Harvest Media

Any list of modern production music publishers would be woefully incomplete without Harvest Media, easily one of the biggest players in the industry by user base, subpublisher network size, and sheer number of features. They bring an exhaustive breadth of offerings to the table, especially when it comes to integration with their network of subpublishers & third party services across monitoring, monetisation and distribution/DSP. In fact, Harvest-format CSVs are so widely accepted amongst subpubs that they’re practically the gold standard for deliverable metadata.

Read more about their platform here.

Jonathan Barlow

Jonathan Barlow

Music Analyst

Forrest Riege

Forrest Riege

Developer and Data Scientist

Marina Garza

Marina Garza

Founder and Lead Analyst

Stephen Haluska

Stephen Haluska

Music Analyst and Research

Josh Casey

Josh Casey

Music Trends Analyst

Understanding Your Music

Understanding Your Music

Our analysts are continuously researching the latest music trends and how they connect to TV and Film.

Human Analysis Integrated with Automation

Human Analysis Integrated with Automation

We have developed a tagging strategy and process that enables us to tag up to 500 tracks per week.

Consistency and Accuracy

Consistency and Accuracy

We offer a solution for curating your music and enriching your tracks with highly effective descriptive tags. Our listening approach centers around a song’s texture, genre and sub-genres.

Our Latest Projects

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